Are You Mad at Me? ADHD & RSD
Some of the smartest people I know are diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It is a complicated disorder, often seriously misunderstood. Much of the focus is on inattentiveness and hyperactivity. These are things that certainly challenge the ADHD brain, but they can overshadow other equally important symptoms.
Loneliness is The New Stressed
With Covid, our fears have become bigger while our world is shrinking. Our lives have slowed but the stress didn’t go away, it just went underground. In our current world, isolation now implies a sense of health and safety. We are faced with the impossible task of having to stay apart and remain connected.
The 5 Love Languages During the Holiday Season: Holiday Gift-giving Love Language Style
How do you give and receive love? According to marriage counselor, Dr. Gary Chapman, there is a pattern to the behaviors of love and affection. In his book, 5 Love Languages he shares 5 different categories that help define our preferences for the expression of love.