The 5 Love Languages During the Holiday Season: Holiday Gift-giving Love Language Style


A Need for Connection

How do you give and receive love? According to marriage counselor, Dr. Gary Chapman, there is a pattern to the behaviors of love and affection. In his book, 5 Love Languages he shares 5 different categories that help define our preferences for the expression of love.

What if there was a way to take a short test and know the most direct way to offer love and affection? There is one! And you can take it here….

According to Dr. Chapman, the 5 love languages are words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. 

But it is much more than just a fun test… It is a way to strengthen our bond with those we love by matching our behavior and gestures to what they most value. 

Would a Love Language Holiday Gift Guide help us to find the perfect present this year? With social distancing and stay-at-home orders, we struggle more than ever to have that sense of human connection. What if the Love Languages helped us to find the perfect gift-giving match. The match of gesture to personality. What might that look like?

Words of Affirmation

This is the person on your list who loves receiving compliments and praise. They love feeling understood and being valued.  

  • Handwritten letter

  • Inspirational quote on an item they use (coffee mug, glass, framed art etc.)

  • DIY jar with different personal strengths written on colored paper. An inspirational book on audio Guided meditation subscription.


This person feels valued with tangible items. They don’t need to be big purchases or all the time, but rather token reminders that you are thinking of them.  

Do some snooping on their pinterest or Amazon wish list to find the perfect gift for them this time

  • Flowers

  • Chocolate

  • Gift cards

  • Subscriptions

Acts of Service

This is the person who feels valued through non-verbal forms of love. It is the things you do that matter to this person. They often feel appreciated when life is made easier for them.  

  • DIY Coupon Book With Nice Gestures

  • Hire a cleaning service or offer to clean his/her home

  • Offer to babysit

  • Bring a complete dinner as a surprise

  • Car wash coupon book or subscription

  • Donation to their favorite charity

Quality Time

This person feels most valued when you spend time with them. It is not just “doing” but also 

“being” that matters. Attention is an important part of the quality time love language.  

  • Tickets to an vent

  • Homemade coupon book with activities

  • Memory album of past events

  • Board games and puzzle date nights- no phones allowed!

Personal Touch

This person prefers the physical expression of touch over all the other types. This is a hug, shoulder squeeze, hand holding or a pat on the back.  

  • Electric Blanket

  • Soft through blanket

  • Soft scarf

  • Tea or Coffee assortment

  • Essential Oil diffuser

  • Perfume or cologne

  • Massage

  • Pedicure 


Gift giving… it’s the thought that counts… right? Using the 5 love languages can help in understanding the people we love. Reaching out to them during times of stress like Covid-19 or times of Joy like the holiday season can be very important. It can help to build that sense of connection which we all need during the ups and downs of life.

If you have any questions about how the various love languages vary or want to learn more about my services, feel free to fill out the form below.


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